CentOS FreeRadius 설치 및 연동
2023. 7. 17. 14:25
FreeRadius 설치
# Install FreeRadius #
sudo yum -y update
yum install freeradius freeradius-utils freeradius-mysql freeradius-perl –y
systemctl enable radiusd
systemctl status radiusd
systemctl restart radiusd
systemctl status radiusd
bob user 테스트유저로써 주석 제거
cd /etc/raddb/
vi users
bob Cleartext-Password := "hello"
Reply-Message := "Hello, %{User-Name}"
systemctl restart radiusd
radtest bob hello 0 testing123
# Add Clients
vi clients.conf
## 이부분을 추가함
client test1 {
secret = Cyberark1
ipaddr =
# IPv6 Client
client localhost_ipv6 {
ipv6addr = ::1
secret = testing123
#NTRadPing TEST Utility tool 통해 라디우스 서버 체크
# 라디우스 서버에 대해 포트가 막혀있어서 그런듯 라디우스 데몬죽이고 다시살리기
pkill radiusd
# 방화벽 내려주기
systemctl status firewalld.service
systemctl disable firewalld.service
sudo systemctl mask --now firewalld.service
systemctl status firewalld.service
radiusd -X
FreeRadius 용의 LinOTP 모듈 설치
yum install git
git clone
#Perl 모듈 활성화
ln -s /etc/raddb/mods-available/perl /etc/raddb/mods-enabled/perl
#LinOTP 에서 설정 렐름부분 수정
vi /etc/linotp2/rlm_perl.ini
#IP of the linotp server URL=https://localhost/validate/simplecheck #optional: limits search for user to this realm REALM=honglab-realm # LinOTP 콘솔에서 만든 Realm 이름 #optional: only use this UserIdResolver #RESCONF=flat_file #optional: comment out if everything seems to work fine Debug=True #optional: use this, if you have selfsigned certificates, otherwise comment out SSL_CHECK=False
RADIUS 서버에서 활성화 된 구간에 대한 기본 링크 제거
rm /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/{inner-tunnel,default} rm /etc/raddb/mods-enabled/eap
vi /etc/raddb/sites-available/linotp
FreeRADIUS에서 LinOTP 활성화
server default { listen { type = auth ipaddr = * port = 0 limit { max_connections = 16 lifetime = 0 idle_timeout = 30 } } listen { ipaddr = * port = 0 type = acct } authorize { preprocess IPASS suffix ntdomain files expiration logintime update control { Auth-Type := Perl } pap } authenticate { Auth-Type Perl { perl } } preacct { preprocess acct_unique suffix files } accounting { detail unix -sql exec attr_filter.accounting_response } session { } post-auth { update { &reply: += &session-state: } -sql exec remove_reply_message_if_eap } }
소프트링크 활성화 & RADIUS 서비스 활성화
ln -s /etc/raddb/sites-available/linotp /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/linotp
systemctl enable radiusd systemctl start radiusd